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Hobbiton, Life on the Shire

Hobbiton, Life on the Shire

Shire Living at Hobbiton If you are a fan of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, you know that the movies were filmed in New Zealand where director Peter Jackson is from. The shire is described as Middle-earth in J. R. R. Tolkien's iconic fantasies. “In a hole in the...

Napier, Art Deco Time Warp

Napier, Art Deco Time Warp

Napier, Art Deco Land From Rotorua, we passed Lake Taupo and continued on to the city of Napier on the glorious green Hawkes Bay. Napier, a small town on North Island's east coast, is famous for its excess of Art Deco architecture and decor. Fate played a role. An...

Stupid Travel Mistakes

Stupid Travel Mistakes

My guests share their travel mistakes and mishaps, so we can learn from them.     Always Get the Address! by Penelope's Odysseys     Seeing the sign “Penny” outside of baggage claim calmed my jittery nerves. It had been a rough flight from LAX to...

Tokyo: Zen on Steroids

Tokyo: Zen on Steroids

A futuristic blast to the past, orderly hordes, the tame, tame East, lost in transportation and Zen on steroids New to Japan and as a stranger in a strange land, I came equipped with one Japanese phrase, domo arigato, which means "thank you" probably the most useful...

Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires

The first time I heard Buenos Aires described as the Paris of South America, a desire inflamed my brain to travel there.  A cosmopolitan city of immigrants, home of the tango, and the land of the romantic Cowboy Guachos. what's not to like. Full disclosure: As much as...