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Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires

The first time I heard Buenos Aires described as the Paris of South America, a desire inflamed my brain to travel there.  A cosmopolitan city of immigrants, home of the tango, and the land of the romantic Cowboy Guachos. what’s not to like. Full disclosure: As...
Bariloche, the Lake Region

Bariloche, the Lake Region

Bariloche, Argentina Surprisingly, I had never heard of Bariloche before I visited, but now it’s one of my favorites for scenic eye candy. This southwestern Andes mountain resort town is located in Patagonia which is the region south of Buenos Aires. A ski...
Seven Lakes: 50 Shades of Blue

Seven Lakes: 50 Shades of Blue

Just the name Ruta de Siete Lagos or Route of the the Seven Lakes enticed me.  We were picked up by Limay Travel for this day trip from Bariloche. Along the way, continuous glistening views of Nahuel Huapi Lake (considered one of the seven lakes) shone through our...
Mendoza, Argentina

Mendoza, Argentina

Mendoza, the Long and Wine(dy) Road Of all the Argentinean destinations, except for Buenos Aires, Mendoza evokes more recognition from travelers than any other. Well known, because it’s one of the beloved wine regions of the world ranking up there with Napa,...
Salta, Argentina

Salta, Argentina

Where in the world is Salta, Argentina? Tucked into the northwestern corner of Argentina, Salta is bordered by Bolivia, Paraguay and Chile. As we approached, I eagerly peered out the plane window knowing very little about our destination. Below, velvety green forested...
Andes, Safari to the Clouds from Salta to Purmamarca

Andes, Safari to the Clouds from Salta to Purmamarca

I Have a Feeling We’re not in Kansas Anymore. Sometimes you travel to places you have seen in books and movies, and deja vu envelops you. And then there are those places uncharted that you had no idea existed. Our journey into the Andes Mountains through...