Hotel Sazaqua
On to the Bogotá airport for a quick one hour flight to Pereira, located in the foothills of the Andes in the coffee producing region. It was evening when we arrived, but it was clear our boutique Hotel Sazaqua was special. Tranquil, secluded, and beautifully tasteful with wood carvings and folk art, we were immediately overjoyed. Breakfasts begin with, again, the amazing fruit, like acid free pineapple and colorful varieties of guava and passion fruit. The night before we had seen a couple escorted down to an outdoor covered room. We asked what they were doing and they said they had just had a fruit tasting–I really wished I’d crashed that tasting.
While breakfasting on the patio looking out to the lush gardens, the staff had set up a bird feeding station. Colombia has over 1900 species of birds, almost 20% of the world’s total. We witnessed at least 20 brilliantly hued species flitting and fluttering–the perfect morning entertainment.
Cocora Valley
Our excursion that day was to the remote Cocora Valley, deep in the heart of the coffee producing region. Our guide Cristian, ready with a quip for every occasion, also had a degree in botany–perfect for this jaunt. Along the way we passed thousands of coffee trees/shrubs laden with yellow and red coffee berries. Also Palma de Ceras dotted the horizon the official national tree, one of the tallest palms in the world. Interestingly the wax of the trunk was used to make candles in the 1800s. Because it is now endangered, that practice is outlawed. We actually planted a new Cera Palm as part of our tour to help with replenishing the species.
Lush and green as the emerald isle of Ireland, the velvety foliage is soul comforting. A hearty hike and a fresh trout lunch in the country and a stop at Salento, a small Andean town, with a perfectly brewed Cappuccino. Colombian coffee is considered to be well balanced and not over roasted (they consider Starbucks coffee to be burned). Salento was wet (no wonder that coffee flourishes) and arty. Back to our euphoria producing hotel for one more evening and one more bird friendly breakfast.